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Breast tomosynthesis is not significantly different from standard digital mammography

Norway offers all women aged 50–69 years mammographic screening every 2 years. The researchers asked almost 33,000 women who attended the...

Early mammograms in young women at increased breast cancer risk may save lives

40 at higher risk of breast cancer who went for mammographic screening had their breast cancer detected at an earlier, more easily treatable stage,... Campaign, has funded the first ever study into mammographic screening in women under 40 with an increased risk of breast cancer compared to the... cancer, family history, mammographic screening...

Breast cancer screening programmes: benefits outweigh harm

A. (2012). The benefits and harms of mammographic screening for breast cancer: building the evidence base using service screening...

Radiation fears should not deter women from mammography screening

JG. Risk of radiation-induced breast cancer from mammographic screening.Radiology 2011. doi:...

Women in their forties have lower mammographic tumour detectability

reduced effectiveness of mammographic screening in women in their forties is primarily due to lower detectability instead of...